“So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” Romans 12:5

2 Corinthians 4:18
The SIMI HILLS CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA in Simi Valley, California is a member of a worldwide body of Bible Students.
Christadelphian is a derivative of Greek words meaning Brethren In Christ. We are simply a group of Bible Students who meet together weekly to worship our Heavenly Father. We are a lay community, (meaning that there are no paid clergy), and the baptized men (Brothers) are responsible for leading, teaching, and exhorting (giving sermons to) the entire Ecclesia (church). There are twelve (12) Christadelphian Ecclesias in Southern California, and several hundred worldwide. Worldwide, there are an estimated 50,000 members.
We specifically believe and teach solely what the Bible says. Although we believe that what the Bible actually says frequently differs from what the majority of the world’s churches teach.
We offer several Bible Classes that you may be interested in.
Memorial Service Now Available on LIVESTREAM.